Hotel Kitchen Guide: The Essential Equipment Every Hotel Kitchen Needs

Hotel Kitchen Guide: The Essential Equipment Every Hotel Kitchen Needs

A hot breakfast in the morning is something that every family looks forward to after a long night of endless driving. Knowing the best equipment brands, types, and appliances will aid you in giving your customer the best hotel breakfast experience in the industry.

If you’re interested in learning how to start (or upgrade) your hotel kitchen today, then read on to learn everything you need to know about the right equipment for your kitchen.

Why Do Customers Care About the State of My Hotel Kitchen?

As the old saying goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” This is not just an old wives’ tale. Breakfast has been scientifically proven to be the most effective meal in ensuring a productive day.

For this reason, it’s quite necessary to make sure that your customers enjoy a good breakfast at your hotel. After all, you never know if one customer has another dreaded ten-hour drive ahead of him once he checks out.

So, as you probably could have guessed, customers actually do not care about what the inside of your kitchen looks like. As a matter of fact, they’ll never physically see the inside of it anyway.

However, keeping your hotel kitchen in order with the right commercial kitchen equipment will convey to your customers that you’re organized and focused on helping them have the best vacation possible.

Do I Need State-of-the-Art Equipment?

The answer to this question is quite simple: no, you don’t need state-of-the-art equipment to have an effective hotel kitchen. However, it would certainly aid in speeding up the cooking process, make your kitchen more enjoyable to work in, and relieve any problems you might have with your older appliances.

Additionally, they will make your employees enjoy working at the hotel even more. Working with the most up-to-date kitchen technology will always be more fun than working with kitchen appliances from the 1980s.

In sum, your hotel kitchen does not need to have the best restaurant equipment in the hospitality industry. Nevertheless, these appliances would aid in smooth day-to-day operations.

What Types of Equipment Are Vitally Important?

When working to provide the best breakfast in the hotel industry, there are certain restaurant appliances and pieces of kitchen equipment that must not be overlooked. Of course, there are obvious appliances like dishwashers and fridges, but there are also others that you may not think of, like chip warmers.

The types of equipment that we’ll discuss are listed below:

  • Refrigerators (different types)
  • Chip warmers
  • Donut fryers
  • Hot food displays

Each one of these pieces of equipment will be discussed in detail to give you a full picture of the best kinds of hotel kitchen equipment on the market.

1. Refrigerators

Obviously, if you’re planning to feed hundreds of customers in your hotel, you must have some means of keeping food cold. That’s exactly where commercial refrigerators come into play. Commercial refrigerators are a great way to keep a large amount of food stored in a cold environment until you need to use it for a dish.

Commercial refrigerators are quite different from what most people know as a refrigerator—which is known as a residential refrigerator. They have a lot more space but require significantly more electricity to operate. They are a perfect addition to great hotel kitchens.

2. Chip Warmers

I can’t think of a worse appetizer than cold, stale chips with salsa. Chip warmers are meant to counter this annoying problem. They heat the chips while they are being displayed rather than when they’re in storage so that the customer can have warm chips rather than cold chips.

Some might conclude that chip warmers are a useless piece of equipment because who really needs warm chips? These people are, in fact, wrong in their logic. Chip warmers are underrated appliances that should be given more recognition due to their ability to give the hotel customer a more convenient stay.

3. Donut Fryers

What’s better than donuts and a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast? Relatively speaking, the general population loves this type of breakfast. Because of this, you might want to consider adding a professional donut fryer to your hotel kitchen.

These appliances don’t cost very much and they’ll allow you to add donuts to your arsenal of breakfast foods. Consider purchasing one of these useful appliances for your kitchen.

4. Hot Food Displays

These appliances are meant for—as the name suggests—displaying the options of hot foods for your customers to eat. This will not only serve to invite your customers to eat breakfast at your hotel, but a hot food display will make your kitchen look like a professional restaurant.

You can usually find hot food displays for sale on many different kitchen appliance websites. However, you will not find any on the market that are quite like those from Snowmaster. Snowmaster has some of the best appliances on the market to date.

Check out Snowmaster Today

Well, there you have it. This article has discussed everything you need to know about having the best hotel kitchen possible. We’ve talked about the different types of equipment you should purchase, why you should purchase it, and why you should strive to have a good hotel kitchen at all.

What are you waiting for? Head on over to Snowmaster’s website today and pick up the perfect equipment for your hotel kitchen. You won’t be disappointed!

For more helpful information, check out Snowmaster’s blog as well.