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Invest in a good commercial teppanyaki plate and cook meat, seafood, noodles, vegetables, and more on this griddle. Snowmaster can provide you with a top grade Teppanyaki grill plate sourced from top commercial kitchen equipment manufacturers in Australia, like Goldstein and LUUS. Browse our collection and shop today.

A commercial teppanyaki plate is designed in a unique way, having heating element set in the Centre of the griddle so food can cook in the Centre, and warm on the sides. Snowmaster Teppanyaki griddles are made to adjust with your countertop so customers can watch your chef prepare their meals. This will entice your customers to try your food, and you easily present your food in an interesting new way by using a Teppanyaki griddle at your restaurant. Cook huge quality of meats and seafood over a sizzling heat source while gently warming rice, noodles and vegetables on our Teppanyaki griddle. The heating element is located in the Centre of the griddle used for cooking, while the cooler outer edges of the griddle continue to warm cooked food. Choose from our huge variety of commercial cooking equipment & different Brands